Rest in Peace....

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Действительно невероятно грустно. Светлая ему память...

Само название темы меня уже удивило... Так вот оно что оказывается. Искренние соболезнования всем родным, близким, поклонникам его таланта. Очень жаль, когда уходят такие люди. Очень грустно будет видеть в титрах сериала другое имя, или просто пустоту... Он уже стал частью шоу, а уж для самой съемочной площадки, он, уверен, навечно там и останется. По-крайней мере в душах и сердцах этих людей. Светлая память...

--- Цитировать ---Надеюсь, жителей здесь не будет прибавляться...
--- Конец цитаты ---

Дай Бог...

И наверняка теперь в какой-нибудь особо удавшейся серии в конце вставят надпись: In Memory of Our Friend Kim Manners. Прмерно такая же (разумеется с другим именем), была в 2.02 (не сомневаюсь, что все помнят).

Очень жаль... :(

From Holly Ollis, publicist at Warner Bros.:

Supernatural executive producer and director Kim Manners passed away last night in Los Angeles, following a battle with cancer. Below please find a statement from “Supernatural” creator and executive producer Eric Kripke:

"Everyone at 'Supernatural' is walking around in a daze, shocked and absolutely devastated. Kim was a brilliant director; more than that, he was a mentor and friend. He was one of the patriarchs of the family, and we miss him desperately. He gave so much to 'Supernatural,' and everything we do on the show, now and forever, is in memory of him.

Frank Spotnitz, longtime writer and producer of The X-Files, posted the following in his blog:

"Kim had a blazing intensity that inspired everyone -- writers, producers, actors and crew. "Kick it in the ass!" he'd say to us. And "I love you," really meaning it. As long as he'd been a director, he never lost his passion for his work. Every time he got a sсript, he gave it his all. He was driven to execute what he saw in his mind's eye in the most powerful and beautiful way he could. On "The X-Files," the friendly sparring between Kim and Rob Bowman to see who could out-direct the other was a beautiful competition between two fiercely talented friends. Kim was an incredible force of life. It is hard for me to believe or accept that he is gone."

Jim Beaver has written a lovely obituary for Kim:

I have never
had such fun working with a director, and Kim became a dear friend. He was
the willing butt of the enormous humor on that set, most of it from the two
leads, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, who delighted in tormenting him,
and he was as good at giving it as taking it. He was an AMAZING director,
who knew everything I can imagine a director might need or want to know
about directing television. And he was one of the very best people, one of
the very best friends, a person might ever want to have.


Ким Маннерс был умный мужик, с чувством юмора, и четко прочитывал людей (этот вывод я делаю по его ответам на Paley и комментариям к DVD).
На вопрос, заданный всем (на том же Paley в 2006), "чего вы боитесь", он сказал "ничего", и потом пояснил "если вы режиссировали телевидение, вас уже ничто не испугает".

Светлая память!


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