Автор Тема: Первый сезон - эпизоды  (Прочитано 22125 раз)

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Оффлайн Труляляна

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Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #15 : 12:07 – 02.09.05 »
Хе, отличненько. :) Если Ксю не успеет на сайт закинуть, то приеду в питер и сама закину :)

Оффлайн Ksander

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Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #16 : 19:14 – 02.09.05 »
делаю такие мини-мини описания серий 1 и 2 сезонов.
Смотреть тут - http://battlestar-rus.narod.ru/bsgnew_ep.html
Ругать тут. :)
Как будут готовы полные описания, бум их выкладывать туда же. Так что ждемс переводов :)

Оффлайн Лиса

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Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #17 : 02:33 – 03.09.05 »
Ага, так. Фотки на синем - блеск!
Описания надо причесать, местами не совсем по-русски. Как думаешь, может названия кораблей оставлять латиницей, а в скобках давать приблизительный перевод по-русски? В общем, красиво, только чуть текст поправить. Давай дальше.
...tell me, what could you possibly say to make it all right? (c) Dean

Оффлайн Starik

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Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #18 : 00:52 – 04.09.05 »
Да, сайт нуждается в наполнении. Вот у меня вопрос возник. Там есть раздел "Герои Галактики". Какую информацию туда планируете? Биографию персонажей или актеров, их играющих?

Оффлайн Труляляна

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    • FarGate
Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #19 : 01:26 – 04.09.05 »
И те и другие и можно без хлеба. Надо еще подумать о старой галактике...

Оффлайн Лиса

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Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #20 : 03:45 – 04.09.05 »
Для старой, навероне, нужен специальный раздел. И всё туда складывать.
Старик, на нашей любимой Галактикастейшен выложили маленькую статью про трёх женщин БСГ. Плииз, переведи. :) Вот эту:

War Wounds
With Commander Adama gravely wounded, we talk to the women of Battlestar Galactica ? the good, the bad and the conflicted?
...tell me, what could you possibly say to make it all right? (c) Dean

Оффлайн Ksander

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Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #21 : 19:32 – 13.09.05 »
Минигид по первому сезону залит. Как впрочем и по вышедшим сериям второго сезона. Ждемс полных описаний :)

Оффлайн Лиса

  • Ивановская Бабуля
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Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #22 : 03:32 – 14.09.05 »
Полные - это к Старику. А ошибки ты поправил?
...tell me, what could you possibly say to make it all right? (c) Dean

Оффлайн Starik

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Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #23 : 04:11 – 14.09.05 »
Я на несколько дней в ауте, простыл (и это у нас, при +25С, хе-хе), башка только сопли переваривает.

Оффлайн Лиса

  • Ивановская Бабуля
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  • Здесь с: 22:59 – 16.05.05
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Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #24 : 01:55 – 15.09.05 »
Старик, ты мутант, что ли? Голова переваривает, да ещё что! Мдяяя….. :)
Ну ты там в аптеку забеги, скушай чего полезного и за перевод.
...tell me, what could you possibly say to make it all right? (c) Dean

Оффлайн Лиса

  • Ивановская Бабуля
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  • Здесь с: 22:59 – 16.05.05
  • Сообщений: 2299
Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #25 : 01:47 – 17.09.05 »
Ну вот, со всех сторон обступили, житья не дают. Вон как вкусно расписали. Даже несмотря на то, что кое-чего не хватает, ну ооочень хочется заиметь. Во:

Program Rating: A

Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): B+/B/B+

Picking up roughly five days after the end of the miniseries, Battlestar Galactica: Season One continues the story of some 50,000 surviving colonists who, in a ramshackle fleet of civilian spaceships led by the military "battlestar" Galactica, are desperately attempting to escape the pursuing Cylon forces bent on their destruction.

In the aftermath of the Cylon attack on their homeworlds, the fleet's supplies are running low... and tensions are high. Serious personal and political divisions begin to appear among the survivors. Commander Adama (Edward James Olmos) and President Roslin (Mary McDonnell) struggle to balance their respective authority over the fleet: Who should make the decisions that could decide the very fate of Humanity? The military or a democratic government? Meanwhile, the beleaguered crew of the Galactica fights to meet the new challenges that protecting the fleet demands of them. Acts of sabotage aboard the battlestar make matters even more complicated, and word quickly spreads through the fleet that the Cylons have taken Human form. They could be anywhere... or anyone.

Little do the survivors know, the enemy's ambitions run much deeper than just the mere destruction of Humanity. The Cylons, it seems, have found God. And it may be that they've made their new and improved models a little TOO Human...

I have to give Ron Moore and his creative team a lot of credit. For a number of reasons, I was not looking forward to this show. For one thing, The SciFi Channel had just cancelled Farscape and, my other favorite show (Star Trek: Enterprise) was soon to be axed by UPN as well. It seemed as if TV science fiction could do no right, and the idea of seeing yet another cheesy genre series from the 1970s hauled out of mothballs just to die a quick death wasn't all that appealing to me. But Moore, who had been a long-suffering writer on a number of Star Trek film and TV productions over the years, had a plan for reviving the sci-fi genre: Make it real. Make it gritty. Shoot things like a documentary. Focus on the people and not the hardware. And give the audience characters with real problems - with as many flaws as virtues. Against the odds, and virtually all expectations, it worked. Moore's Galactica not only won over most of the original show's skeptical fans... it's earned the respect of television critics as well.

The casting on this series is pitch perfect. I don't know whose idea it was to tap Olmos as the commander of a military space ship, but it's absolutely brilliant. His weary, gutsy sense of determination gives this show exactly the grounding it needs to be believable. Playing opposite him, McDonnell is an equally surprising and effective choice. She brings a reluctant gravitas and vulnerability to her role as a low-level government official who's suddenly had leadership thrust upon her by catastrophe. The rest of the cast is excellent as well, including Michael Hogan as the crusty and deeply flawed Colonel Tigh, Jamie Bamber as the idealistic Lee "Apollo" Adama, and Katee Sackhoff as Kara "Starbuck" Thrace. Other standouts in the season include James Callis (you may remember him from Bridget Jones's Diary) as the schizophrenic Baltar and Aaron Douglas as the Galactica's overworked Chief Petty Officer, who looks out for both the ship and his people. And that's for starters. I haven't even mentioned Richard Hatch (he played Apollo on the original Battlestar TV series), who appears here in a recurring role as a political zealot working to undermine the fleet's leadership. Or Tricia Helfer as the is-she-there-or-isn't-she Number Six, a beautiful Cylon seductress who haunts Baltar's consciousness by day and by night.

Just how good is this new Battlestar Galactica? Let's put it this way: I dare you to watch the first ten minutes of the season's first episode, 33, and not be hooked. It's as taut and riveting a piece of drama as you'll see on ANY series this year. I don't want to tell you any more than I already have. Just watch this show and you'll be glad you did.

The video quality of this series on DVD is quite good. All of the episodes are presented in anamorphic widescreen, which it should be given that the series itself is shot on HD video. Colors are spot on, and even vibrant at times. Contrast is solid too. Overall image clarity is excellent, with only a few instances of the picture being a little too soft or a little too edgy. When this happens, it appears to be a result of the way the footage was original shot and processed digitally, rather than being caused by over-compression for DVD. You'll notice light to moderate film grain, which was obviously added electronically in-camera or in post to give the footage the look of having been shot on film. In any case, artifacting is rarely noticeable. It's a pleasing picture, and the bigger and wider you view it, the more cinematic the experience becomes.

Audio is available in Dolby Digital 5.1. The surround sound isn't going to make your head turn - this is a more subtly atmospheric surround mix. You'll hear light use of the rear channels for ambient effects and music, but there's not a great deal of front-to-back panning. Still, the front soundstage is big and wide, and there's adequate bass in the mix. Most critically, the dialogue and music sound just fine, making the audio a good match to the visuals.

There's a surprisingly nice batch of extras on these five discs, but there's also a disappointment. Back to that in a minute. First, the good. The set includes the same full-length audio commentary track (with producers Moore and David Eick, along with director David Rymer) that was found on the previous miniseries DVD. Of the thirteen additional episodes in this set, nine of them feature audio commentary as well. Some of these are new, but you'll be pleased to know that all of Moore's "podcast" commentaries from SciFi.com are here as well. Disc Five contains the remaining bonus features, which include about 48 minutes of deleted scenes from the season's various episodes (identical to those offered on the Best Buy Season One (U.K. Version) exclusive - the only extra on that set), seven behind-the-scenes featurettes (63 minutes worth in all, including From Miniseries to Series, Change is Good - Now They're Babes, The Cylon Centurion, Future/Past Technology, The Doctor Is Out (Of His Mind), Production, Visual Effects and Epilogue), a short video of production artwork and set photos set to music, and the 20-minute Battlestar Galactica: The Series - The Lowdown documentary that aired on SciFi at the start of the season.

All of the commentaries are fascinating and worth your time if you're a fan of the show, and surprisingly all of the featurettes and the documentary are interesting as well (together the video features total over two hours in all, all of it full frame or letterboxed). So what's disappointing you might ask? Well... first of all, the behind-the-scenes featurettes are the same ones that have been available for viewing on SciFi.com for months. That's not bad in and of itself, but the thing is that four of the featurettes from the website were left out (specifically, Writing a Dark, Sexy, Political Sci-Fi Show, Women in Pivotal Roles, Like Father, Like Son and Director's Cut are all missing). While we're talking about things being left out, here's my biggest complaint about this set: Save for the audio commentary, NONE of the extras that were included on the previous miniseries DVD release are here. Missing is the original 40-minute Battlestar Galactica: The Lowdown documentary that focused specifically on the miniseries (which many of you may recall featured Sackhoff and Dirk Benedict talking about the character of Starbuck). Missing also are all 20 minutes worth of deleted scenes from the miniseries. So if you want ALL of the extras that are available on DVD, you have to buy the miniseries twice. It's little details like this - little omissions and oversights - that really make fans want to pull their hair out. Universal should have gone the extra mile and added another disc to this set (or just made Disc One, which contains the miniseries, double-sided like most copies of the previous DVD edition were in the first place).

Those issues with the extras aside, what you do get is quite good. Add in the very nice picture and sound quality, and this is a damn good DVD presentation of Battlestar's first season. If you've enjoyed this show on SciFi, you'll love it even more on disc. And if you haven't checked it out yet, this is the perfect way to do so. Ron Moore's re-imagined Battlestar Galactica has made a believer out of me. It's breathed new life into the TV sci-fi genre. Better yet, at long last it's that rare science fiction show that even people who hate science fiction can enjoy (and when was the last time you saw one of those?). Color me surprised, but Battlestar Galactica is must-see television.

Спёрто, ессно, с Галактикастейшн.
И к сожалению, I saw one of those и не одного. :(
...tell me, what could you possibly say to make it all right? (c) Dean

Оффлайн Труляляна

  • Доминар Питерской Империи
  • Администратор
  • *****
  • Откуда: С этого края Вселенной
    Здесь с: 00:45 – 16.05.05
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    • FarGate
Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #26 : 01:54 – 13.10.05 »
Ли, принимай работу, чутка поправила и повесила первую серию. :)

Оффлайн Лиса

  • Ивановская Бабуля
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  • Здесь с: 22:59 – 16.05.05
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Re: Первый сезон - эпизоды
« Ответ #27 : 03:22 – 13.10.05 »
О, приняла. Тока несколько очепяток исправить.
...tell me, what could you possibly say to make it all right? (c) Dean